Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

Some lessons can only be learnt the hard way...

Here's Whit, 13 weeks old now and growing (as my husband would say in typical 'Fen Speak') Like A Willow In A Wet Dyke! She is in fact HUGE!

I take her about with me as much as possible and she's learning. I've been trying to get her to walk (sort of) to heel, or at least within a 5 yard radius of me without a lead. It can be alright some of the time lol!

Today she hung around the sheep pens while we were rubber ringing (castrating & tail docking) the lambs. When we went into the field to treat a blind ewe she sat happily tied up by the gate munching on a carrot. I commented on what a good pup she is that she doesn't mind being tied up and doesn't create a fuss.....

Then when I untied her she nipped through the bars of a hurdle into a small grass pen with a ewes and her 24hr old twins. Oh dear. Well I tried to warn her. I called and called. And she (like all children) thought she knew better and fancied her chances at pinching a carrot. At the last minute she realised that Mum wasn't messing about and tried to nip back under the fence but not in time. The 'horned' jacob ewe walloped her hard up the bottom when she was half way under. It would have been fine or even funny if it were out in the open. but the fact my silly puppy was half way squeezed under a metal fence hurdle at the moment of impact resulted in A LOT oh high pitched yelping and trying to hide under me. I was very worried about her back and legs. But it would seem that she is ok. Maybe it has taught her a lesson as she's stuck by me ever since. Walking to heel up and down the farm track a couple of times.
It was a lesson she needed to learn and I'm sure the ewe's will have to refresh her memory a few times more but please next time, not through a fence!

It has made me realise i need to get on with training his pup. I've taught her to 'Speak' which she is really very good at. I'm yet to find the off switch though.......

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