Friday: Split Harbour

Drove down to Split from Zagreb after work.  The journey takes about 4 hours and we were amazed at how little traffic there was on the motorway.  Apparently, that is quite normal.

The scenery was stunning, changing from green fields to beautiful rolling hills to craggy mountains.

First impression of Split is that it is quite different to Zagreb - much earthier, but then it is a seaport so I suppose that goes with the territory.  And the driving is positively chaotic!

Had to exercise all my diplomatic skills over our dinner by the harbour (which was work-related).  My colleague had invited three rugby coaches from a school in the UK who are currently on a rugby tour of Croatia, and two LGBT activists who we wanted to talk to about the work they are doing!  All I will say is that some deft conversation juggling was required, particularly as I could feel the (very young) rugby coach next to me getting pinker and pinker!

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