Offcumden Cal

By Cal

'smell fox'

Lovely surprise today after a week away from the woods, banks of beautiful wood anemones turning their delicate faces to the sun. Apparently they are also known as 'smell fox' because of the musky aroma of their leaves. I didn't get close enough to confirm this - crouching in the undergrowth gets me enough weird looks from dog walkers, imagine if I started sniffing leaves at ground level...

The ancient Greeks believed the wood anemone was a gift from the wind God Anemes sent to herald his coming in spring. Which would explain why the cultivated version (blipped a few days ago) is known commonly as the wind flower.

The rest of my day was spent proving the old adage that you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink, so the wander round the woods was like a gift from the gods....

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