Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


The "Chocolat" soundtrack is playing as I write this, and the melancholy thrum of piano chords is quite good summary music for today.

This is Sage, she hasn't featured in a while, bless her. She makes me feel better.

Today was up and down, it was good at lunch as we all shared ice creams and me and Bethan discussed which piercing she should get next, we chose right hand Labret, so expect photos, probably on Wednesday!

I'm going to meet up with her on Wednesday when she finishes her Ox-bridge Conference for looking at Uni's and doing Seminars and such, she'll get it pierced then. I can't hardly wait!

I don't exactly know why I feel so shite at the particular moment, the weather is beyond stunning, and it's so warm and I should be singing and swaying in the breeze, but I just feel lonely, and I miss her, and I suppose i'm dreading days spent alone this holiday. At least at school, I can see her.


Everybody wants to be a cat.

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