Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee


My sunrise before I left this morning.
In Brechin now, things are not good in the workplace.
Gorgeous sunny day, and the joy of someones eureka moment to bring a smile.
Eureka moment?
The glee on a process guy's face as he stares at a beaker full of **** And utters the words
"This is good stuff!"
I did not want to spoil the moment for him and rain on his parade, burst his bubble or indeed do something unmentionable to his chips :-0
It was only a beaker of **** after all and previous encounters with other process guys whom have had similar eureka moments, only for it to turn out, it was indeed good stuff, the stuff meant for the flocculation bed in the settlement tank, shouldn't be where it was.
Hope you've all had a lovely day

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