
By doli

Who says Mondays aren't fun?

Three birthdays this week and Sue's lovely daughter Nic stood on one foot (the one that's not broken) to make this cake for her mum and the boys. It was a really good cake.
Note Robert in the background, looking like the Evil Grandpa intent on confiscating the goodies. Harry's new "do" didn't really cut it (er, sorry) compared to that. Robert is so not evil, it just cracked us up (you had to be there).

We did actually rehearse some music, but lots more fun was had tonight - blighters had been round today to check out a little leak in Sue's roof, so when it rained, the water poured in down the flue of the living-room stove (because they made it worse, didn't they?). So Norma held a jug and a bowl in balance under the leaks, while we rehearsed 'Nearer My God to Thee' (the song the orchestra played as the Titanic filled with water and sank...).

(Do you find yourself thinking of MacBeth when you look at this?)

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