Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

A walk in the park

For the last couple of Mondays I've been a parent volunteer for my daughter's class. It fits in really well with work as I don't start until lunchtime on a Monday, so I feel like a good Mummy. They've been exploring the area close to the school and have been going out on little field trips. Last week we caught the bus and walked to a playground. This week we went for a walk and then went to discover what happens at a launderette. I don't think O was too impressed with the trip today as she announced very loudly that she found the laundrette a bit 'boring'. I'm not sure if her teacher heard but I had a quiet word with my little madam!

Before the field trip I had an hour to kill which meant I couldn't go too far so on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a walk. With my camera. Without any children clinging to me or whinging. It was bliss. I didn't manage to get any spectacular shots but I did enjoy the fact that I could take as many photos as I wanted without annoying a member of my family! I really must try and make time to do this more often.

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