A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Learning to See

It's a technique that we all have the ability to learn. I believe we are all artists. There is an artist within each of us, because creativity is a part of every healthy brain. People say they have no creativity but that's just not true. It's a muscle that must be worked to strengthen. Period.

Becoming an artist is much like becoming an athlete, there must first be desire, followed by training, and then lots of practice.

The practice part is the step most of us give up on because we discover that we are not really great as quickly as we want to be. But the delicious part about working at it (and not giving up) is that if we keep at it with diligence we will improve and surprise ourselves.

All of this came to mind when I viewed the pics I took of the tulips blooming in my front yard. Some shots were spectacular, while this one stood out to me because the lovely stick was completely ignored until my camera focused on it. A perfect cobwebby birch stick that has been there completely unnoticed for months. I didn't notice it at all, even though I was inches from it, I only saw the brilliant tulips blowing in the breeze.

Yup, it's about learning to see and I sure do need practice.

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