
Alexander went to the playpark today in Milngavie. It's a bit of step up from Asda Summerston. He did several circuits of the climbing frames and slides, but then decided the gate latch was far more interesting. He spent the next 10 minutes going in and out. This attracted quite a lot of the other children too.

Feeling a bit better today. It's been a glorious day; got lots of washing done as well as our trip out. Granny went home; Alexander won't know what to do with himself.

I have done all the wallpapering, I hope we won't be able to see the joins. Well we can see the joins, but hopefully not when it's been painted. It's textured paper with horizontal and vertical lines so we should get away with it. Apart from the big bit of lining paper because I ran out of the matching stuff. But that will be behind the piano until we move. Muuuhahahahahahaaa!

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