And those rocks in my heart.

I adore the night sky, don't you?

It's partcularly beautiful tonight, making for a very tricky drive 5 miles down the road; especially when I want to gaze out the mirror over my shoulder to the right.

I made up for it tonight by standing at the back door when I came in, and lost all the heat in the house, as the still, silent air crept in for a warm. It's impossible to gaze into the night sky and not believe there is something out there.

As you stare into the sky, more and more stars become visible. Venus is still high in the sky next to the Moon, and sparkling like a diamond. South in the sky, to the right of the Moon Orion is standing proud... Betelgeuse was looking particularly red, I remember Dr Professor Floppy hair and Smiley face telling me that Betegeuse is due to die and I wondered if the red I was seeing in the sky was perhaps the first inklings of it's departure.

How odd will the sky look when Orion is missing a bit?

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