Beautiful Life In Photos

By chlobags

My time at the Tate

I had such a good day!
Got in to London around 10.15, just as the Tate had opened, and managed to see all the paintings I wanted to for my Pre-Raphaelite module. It was so exciting seeing paintings that I've been studying for weeks and looking at in books right there in front of me!

Emily came to meet me there, and then we popped round the corner to a lovely little sandwich shop and sat out in the sun having lunch and a catch up. I met a lovely lady on the circle line on the way back to Paddington; she was a bit lost but we were heading in the same direction so I kept her company and we chatted all the way there, which was so nice! I always want to talk to people on the tube but the feeling never seems to be mutual, so it was nice to have a chat.

When I got back to Cardiff it was so hot! Actually actively hot, not just passively un-cold. REAL heat! I came home but then went to the library for a good few hours, and left at 7.30 (when it was still sunny! :D ) and came back to my noodle box from Kama Lounge. All in all, a grand day indeed!

However it is now 11 and I'm exhausted. Really living up to the wild student reputation.

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