What did I see today...?

By DaveR


I was truly, truly intending on getting things done on Sunday - more tidying around the house, a quick shop at Tesco's so I actually had a dinner ready for Monday night - y'know, useful things. But then I slept in, had a large lunch and slobbed out on the sofa until about 2pm watching films...

And the whole time I was doing that my Cambridgeshire map was staring at me from the other side of the room, so about halfway through one film I did pick myself up and brought it back to the lying down zone, unfolded it and started absent-mindedly planning a route upstream along the Cam to the conservator's lock.

Well at about 2:30, fully kitted up in my convertable hiking trousers/shorts, shades and with even my camera monopod locked onto my bag I was on my way.

And then it only took me twenty minutes (or five tracks of 'The Suburbs') to get to the lock. Well I sat down, had a read of 'Game of Thrones' (which I had been toting about without realising!), took a few pictures and then my map started rustling again... so I started cycling back into town along the river (this Blip was taken on the way).

I got to Chesterton and stopped at the pub for a bit of refreshment, another read, then there was another rustle... and just under an hour later I was much further east than I should have been, about half a mile beyond the point where I took this sunset. A tour through the Wilbrahams (Great & Little) and Fulbourn later I was back home and it was 6:oopm, I'd cycled 20 miles and taken well over a hundred photos.

Just goes to show, sometimes it's good to wander upstream.

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