Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Anyone need an A?

aprecious says,"How is it Maud, when we've had wall to wall sunshine for five days you can still find the mud?"

You know like how you're humming in your head when someone goes on and on and on...

Well, that's right
That's right
That's right
That's right

I really love your tiger muddy light

And that's neat
That's neat
That's neat
That's neat

I really love your tiger muddy feet

Well I do. I really like muddy feet. And nose. And under-carriage. Well, everywhere actually. I'm thinking of changing my name. Who wants an A?

ps aprecious says just because I hit the spotlight two days in a row I mustn't show off (whey hey - thank you!) and just because I won doggy sit ups last night at training that doesn't mean I'm the best dog. She also said if I jump up on her jeans she'll swing for me but I think she was joking.

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