A Patchwork of Reflections

Another glorious day for everyone but especially for the young people taking the sun in the Meadows.

It is the second day of the year for sightings of the furtive tree piddlers, a genus of homo sapiens who form an orderly queue to frequent the shadow of a particular park tree over the railings from the Dower House in order to relieve their not unsubstantial bladders.

The males of the species are instantly recognisable by their purposeful walk away from their group and their quick head swivelling action in the direction of windows, before unzipping and addressing the tree.
They seem to think they're invisible, unaware that unseen eyes can and do compare and contrast.

The females of the species are less visible, and are more inhibited, tending to have a circle of friends around them when involved in the same behaviour.

But it is too early as I post this for the appearance of the tree piddlers; they have not had enough time to consume great quantities of beer. They usually appear at the end of the working day.

I have by contrast, however, had enough time this morning to walk by the Union Canal at the Fountainbridge Basin and capture this patchwork of reflections in the unusually still water.

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