Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Atop the wall

Vague, vague memories came blearily to mind today when I took Luke to a dis-used car park and he practised some parking moves. Finding reference points in the windows as guidelines, certain three-quarter steering wheel turns and loads of other stuff he was saying and I sort-of recollected that I had maybe once learnt these things when I was learning to drive but certainly do not do them now. Oh Woe is me if I have to sit my Test again when I'm 70, I'll never pass.

I have now met all of the three men who are my neighbours, Bert immediately next door, Trevor next to him and Robert at the end. I am a lucky lady to have these men. Bert says 'don't trust Trevor', Trevor says 'don't trust Bert' and Robert says 'don't trust any of them'.
Three Wise Men indeed.

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