Another Languedoc year...

By SweetApricots


Last year I discovered that I'm alergic to wasp stings. I was sowing basil seeds when three wasps got me in a pincer movement. My hand and arm blew up alarmingly.

Imagine my fear and fury when the wasps started to build their nest again this year - in my greenhouse. Ali found me this wasp killer spray. I know, I know. Wasps are dreadful wonderful creatures that we should love and respect. But I have to work in my greenhouse and not die of anaphylactic shock.

So today the wasps were there again. I gave them a single high pressure blast from the doorway. About three hours later, when I thought it safe to return, I went back to water my tomato/aubergine/lettuce/pepper seedlings, but they were all dead. Killed by the wasp spray.

Divine retribution for my anti-wasp ways. I'm heart-broken.

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