my life, my pictures

By jennifleur

Eighty Seven.

Day 87

27th March 2012

Oooh! 100 entries!

Another glorious day today, sun shining all day and so warm! I had to go and buy sun cream and sun hats for the children this afternoon! I've probably jinxed it now and the sun will have gone tomorrow!

Took the children to the childminder's this morning for their 2nd settling in session, I'm sad about it as I know it means that I'm back to work really soon, but I'm also pleased that they're getting on so well with her. After Chap's preschool session this afternoon we went to the shops this afternoon and had ice lollies by the river, a real summer feel!

Grandma is here today so P and I managed to trip to the cinema this evening, we saw The Hunger Games which was a great film. I read the book over the weekend and it really does it justice. Well worth a watch in my opinion!

I took this photo this evening after we'd done the kids tea in the garden, Mum bought me daffs and the sunset was lovely over my neighbour's roof tops so thought I'd combine the two! Applied some texture in Photoshop.

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