Reckless Love, Glasgow Barrowlands - support act.

I'm not suggesting in any way that the following rant is directed at them (I love this band - gutted we missed the start of the set due to the MAHOOSIVE queue to get in. Left after half way though the second support act to have a proper blether with my friend. Plus, I was rather irritated at the loss of my hoped-for blip of the day. I soothed my nerves with (plenty of) alcohol.)

Amusingly, my photos seems to be getting worse and worse of them...(here's last yearand the year before). Though today was due to the fact that I had my camera TAKEN OFF me at the gig - if there's a pet peeve that I have - well, one of the the pet peeves that I have - is taking a camera - specifically my point and shoot gig camera, quite obviously not a professional camera (which they asked me if it was) - off me as 'the band didnt want people taking pictures of them'.


I mean, how prima donna can you get? Isn't part of being famous having to have pictures taken of you - and I'm not talking invading-your privacy-at-home photos, I'm talking a shot at a gig where you're playing to your fans. And if they REALLY cared - take peoples phones off them. Saw plenty of them being used as a camera - in fact I post this picture as a point of principle. I'm no phone camera expert - I'm sure you can get at least half a decent shot of a band on a phone camera, but for crying out loud, removing a point and shoot from someone at a gig when they just want to take a shot of their favourite band? I've had it happen only once before with Slash - and I'm almost more irritated tonight. Possibly missing part of the set is the cause of that - really didnt expect quite such a large queue to get in, and Reckless Love were the first band on. However, 4 songs is better than none!

Oh well. Roll on June, Ill see them again then at Download. Hope they tour in winter!

Fingers crossed tomorrows gig goes better!

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