My small world.

By enaknahgem

The Moon, Venus, Jupiter and a lazy day off.

I didn't have to work today, which is great, because I'd managed to wear myself out over the weekend.
Looking at my day in terms of accomplishments, it was a wash, but I managed to go for a walk around the neighborhood with Layla this afternoon. It was quite lovely outside, fresh and springy, and I stopped to take some pictures of plants/trees/sky. Layla hates this, me stopping for photos...
We met a woman (walking) and her grand-daughter (on a scooter). they were on their way to see a bulldog puppy down the street. The grand-daughter was excited to pet Layla and Layla was loving the attention, especially the older woman, which solidifies my theory that my dog's former owner was an elderly lady.
After a few minutes, we were back to the walk. A little ways up, I came across a coyote decoy, put there to scare off the Canada geese, but it sure startled me for a second!
A pretty nice afternoon.

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