The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Ball Thief

Lottie doesn't normally give two hoots about retrieving balls or frisbees or anything that I throw. Pippa on the other hand is utterly obsessed by retrieving and would happily run out of energy, air and life if it led to one more throw!

But...the tables have turned. Lottie has realised that by fetching the ball a) she gets my attention and b) she pisses Pippa off. This makes her very happy! So this morning she was certainly the quickest off the mark, the first to the ball, the one with the biggest gob which meant she could firmly keep hold of it and the quickest to come back to me...and give it up at the first time of asking!! And Pippa...well, she chased the ball thief and realised that Lottie doesn't have a very long attention span (sound familiar?!) after about ten minutes Lottie was off in the hedgerows and Pips was back in charge of the ball...for another half an hour!

My drug free existence is going well...definitely getting better and better!
Roll on Sunday...x

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