Life's Snaps

By Ol1

Baby on its way... soon!

So today has been the most random of days..

Started work as normal and pretty busy, then at around 11am the Mrs shouts from upstairs ( i was working from home ) "Oli... my waters have broken!?!", after about 30 seconds of stunned silence and when i had pulled my jaw off the ground, we phoned the hospital, packed the car with the "ditch kit" and proceeded to the birthing unit.

After a check up they confirmed that they had indeed broken. As she isnt having contractions yet they sent us home and told her to keep active. We are booked in for an induction at noon tomorrow but all going well i suspect we will be paying them a visit in the early hours of the morning.

When we got back from the hospital we decided to take the dogs for a walk to our usual haunt, I was planning to upload a picture of the boy(dog) today and i got a few good snaps of him. But seeing as though this could be the last picture of my better half carrying baby i figured i had better pay homage to her...

I've only had this DSLR for a week and its my first one so still figuring out what all the buttons do but hopefully ill get it licked in time for the baby shot tomorrow :)

Good luck wife... and if not before ill see you tomorrow baby :)

Sorry for the over-share :)

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