Lens cap off......

By lillyapple

A spring in his step

One of the many joys of spring!
And, my husband and I did our good deed for the day to boot.
The field which these lambs are in belongs to the house where my husband does gardening, and being very bored stuck indoors, thought i would pay him a visit ( I know the owners also). Through the hedge I could see a lamb, and it looked as if it was caught on something, so called hubby over so we could go and investigate. Poor thing was tangled in some wire which had come loose from a makeshift fence, and luckily we were able to free the little thing, though it limped away ( poor thing could have been there for hours).
I left a note on the gate for the farmer as the homeowners are away and we have no idea who the farmer is that these sheep belong to.
I hope the little cutie is ok, and it made me feel glad that I decided to get out of the house today!

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