In Between Days

By jase


Another glorious sunshiny day. It's too nice to stay say at my desk during my lunch hour so I took a walk into town. I did end up buying a Wii game which I've wanted for ages - Goldeneye 007. I like a good Wii game because the Wii doesn't sit under the main tv.

When I finished Louis' stories he asked if I would stay with him for a bit but I said I wanted to go for a run. So he said 'When I get back from my run I will go straight upstairs and sit with Louis...keep that sentence in your head Dad!' He told me lots of times to keep the sentence in my head.

Politicians have been suggesting people fill up a jerrycan with petrol and keep it in the garage. I didn't think people actually owned those big green jerrycans you see on the back of Jeeps in war movies but then I saw someone filling one up whilst I was filling the car up. I wasn't panic buying!

I tried playing my new Wii game but I now have motion sickness and think I should have chosen an easier level.

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