Sugar Spun

A glorious glorious day but Erin off school sick so we were housebound for most of it.

Most working mother's know that we teach our kids to butch it out and calpol them up and send them on their way to school but there is a threshold to this and sometimes they need the day off. She lay in bed most of the morning, then graduated to the couch, then graduated to a walk in the park. Then by six o' clock she was wasted again. Seems the magic ice cream that she pretended to eat reluctantly didn't work after all. She needs more rest and hopefully in another 24 hours she will be well.

Took advantage of not being at work by sitting and reading and finished a whole book in about four hours ( Harlen Corben. Crime writer genius).

I would end with a mention about petrol/pasties/stamps but frankly I am even embarassed that these issues are headlining our national news when other countries are in much deeper turmoil. I remember going to see Russell Howard stand up a couple of years ago and he said people in Sudan who have just seen their whole family eradicated by famine, shooting or HIV must look at the Brits and say" Poor them, they only get their bins emptied every other week. Let's send aid".

It's true. We lack common sense in this country and moan about minutiae. We have a good life here.

Have a nice day

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