Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Dinosaur Lego!

Today's blip is Neil and Henry at the nursery "stay and play" session - we've decided we've got to get some dinosaur Lego, it's very cool! I'm going to try to track some down for Henry's birthday.

He was better today, slept reasonably and started eating some solids again - well had a chew of a bread roll and some icecream!

We had an evening of babysitting tonight so we dropped Henry off at the nursery with a bottle of expressed milk and went for dinner. It was very strange to eat without him and we were much quicker! We went for a walk afterwards then to pick him up again - we'd only been 1.5hrs but they'd got him to sleep in the buggy so we just had to wheel him back to the room. It's the first time a stranger has put him to sleep so hopefully it bodes well for naptime at nursery!

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