Today's Special

By Connections

Green with Envy

I think of myself as a person of even temperament, but after looking with longing at the many beautiful photos of sunny scenes today in the journals I subscribe to, I'm definitely feeling envious.

This March has been one of the rainiest I've ever experienced, and today is no exception. It's been raining hard all day, and our cul-de-sac is now a shallow lake. I took today's blip from the kitchen window, after obtaining less than satisfactory results during Miss Annie's five-minute walk this morning. (Here's one of those shots -- blip drips, sodden leaves, and drenched flowers on the red currant bush in our front garden.)

Our garden wouldn't be an appealing prospect for emyjane's busy bee or the equally busy butterflies in BrodieB's and mollyblobs' journals! I'm becoming anxious about our local pollinators, as well as our local farmers, in this endlessly wet spring.

I did, however, take it as a good sign that the golden grass in our front garden is a little like the grass in baldycarrie's blip today. Guess you could say that I'm grasping at straws...

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