My Little Mermaid
Sunset on Crescent Beach is an event. Two hundred people gather nightly at water's edge to see the yellow ball drop into the water. When I am there, I show each night and without fail like a nun going to church, each of us to to give praise to our my case and when on vacation, my Sun God. Each time, I press my shutter button endlessly and, then, run upstairs to download and find a jewel. It is all great fun.
Tonight, as I downloaded the cards, this image was unexpectedly in the mix. It was from earlier in the day. I was sitting on the balcony reading the paper and I heard the sweet sound of Gabriella's voice at the threshold of the door. After a long morning throwing a frisbee in the water and in the sun with her, she grabbed a nap and, then, appeared back into my life with that "just woked up" look She stood there gathering her senses and she was lit by the golden Floridian light. The Fuji X10 was in front of me and I snapped just one blip. I am no jkj10 who is a modern day Digital Rembrandt and I shy away from portraits because, in my opinion, they are incredibly tough to perfect, But, I love my daughters and never, ever, will tire of them in my life or in my view finder.
I did no editing to this blip except to crop out the door jam. I was tempted to play with it, to reduce her pinky tone and eliminate a bit of the sheen on her skin. But the pinkyness was the result of the wrong SPF and the sheen was the product of the sun's intensity. It is not perfect except to a father who cannot imagine a more perfect week with his two daughters.
I hope you all had a great Thursday. I love LadyLaLa's newly coined mantra: THURSDAY IS THE NEW FRIDAY!
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