Concealed letterbox

It was only when I uploaded this pic that I realised there is a letterbox in the middle of the painting, which is on the side of a doorway into a tapas bar near where I work.

Plans for the weekend have been slightly scuppered by a chum cancelling a trip to Norwich due to panic about the might-not-even-happen strike by fuel tanker drivers. Even if they did decide to strike, the strike could not start until five days after the decision had been taken.

I reckon all this media madness is a plot by the bods in Westminster to attempt to take the nation's attention away from the devastation that really is being heaped upon us.

But no matter. I have no other job applications to do and no other deadlines to meet so I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend.

Except on Sunday morning I'll be setting up at the Easter Art of Norwich exhibition which starts on Monday for two weeks. I'm using the takings from my recent sales to pay for the space. I reckon the footfall will be pretty high, given that it's holiday time.

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