Getting ready for a busy weekend

We've been so busy today!

I said that my training session yesterday, would be the last one before we are entertaining at a big Pets/Animal Fair this weekend, but then last night, I suddenly had this great idea for Biscuit's routine, so I spent all evening yesterday searching for the perfect music to mix his original track with and edit it.

As soon as I came home from work today, I went out and tested my idea with Biscuit and it worked really well. Yipeeeee! -But of course we had to practice it a couple of times before I will dare doing it in front of an audience! Fingers crossed that it works tomorrow!

It will be a long day tomorrow. We are leaving home at 7.30 am. We have our first performance at 11 am and again at 2 pm. We expect to be home at 5ish.

My friend Helle and I + our dogs are entertaining 2 x 30 minutes both days this weekend. We were there last year too and it was great, so we are looking forward to a weekend out with our dogs.

Anyway - no more time for all this chatting... I must finish my packing... costumes, props, treats, toys, crates, waterbowls and and and....

Happy Friday!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

PS. Nearly forgot... the picture is from Biscuit's training today... its him and his props :-)

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