Playing with Light

By ChrisHilton

Ziggy and the Beach Chalet....

.....after Ziggy broke up the band; he retired to his sea side villa where he pursued a new career as a dealer in Rock Memorabilia...

Like some cat from Japan, the eagle eyed Ziggy spied a local photographer lugging about, what looked to be, Elvis Presley's favourite armchair! After some tricky negotiation, the deal was done.

Ziggy can remember, from back in the day, there's been a fair few deep fried bananas had in that old thing....happy days...

Good bye armchair....

Post Script..
.....Ziggy has now sold his beach side villa....he's been rumbled and his privacys gone! No surprise really, that Ziggy, he'll sell anything, but boy could he play guitar...

Post Post Script
......see Jon, it wasn't me lugging around the chair on my own, I had help from Ziggy, watch out for him though, he's a helluva negotiator...

Post Post Script
.....the armchair saga starts here continues through here and here before ending up at the chalet today...

Post Post Post Script... hundred Blips....I think I've become unhinged...

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