Some Might Say...

By somemightsay

Auntie Ruth, I know who will make you feel better!

After my class on Tuesday night, when I got home my throat started to hurt. By the earlier hours of Wednesday morning I was running a high temp and feeling brutal. Skip forwar 2 days been at the docs twice and now on my second lot of antibiotics. Have tonsilitis and ear infection not the greatest combination! Anyway had lots of nice things happen today, besides being sick and feeling like someone is stabbing my throat. My mum in law popped in with Emily who promptly told me that I wasn't looking so good! Kids are so honest! She them appeared with my oldest friend cheer bear! Emily seems to have taken a shine to him, which if I'm honest still worries me LOL! My mum also popped along which she has done since Wednesday, which is nice just having ur Mum there, she also took me back to the docs! Then Dave came home and had bought me some new converse which I had my eye on, so very lucky me. Got a nice txt from my Dad too so will get a proper Dad hug tmrw! Xx

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