Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


Well folks I did it I manage to find a dress!! Actually found two, couldn't justify buying both of them tho! both from Oasis a shop I normally never find anything in!

Was a bit disappointed when I go home to find that my dress doesn't match my purple shoes :-( dress is slightly more blue than purple.

So a good reason to buy some new shoes! yay just have to work out what colour shoes to get, black ones look a little dark.

It's got lovely white embroidery on the top so am thinking a pair of nude/beige shoes???

Was so nice having a half day, was home by 3pm which was great.

Mr L spent the day car shopping with his mother as she could do with changing her car, so he's a little wound up. As you may know from previous post she doesn't listen and seems to have decided she wants a BMW even though she can't afford it! Mr L is going to try and work on her to buy something a little more in her price range and within her requirements not just something that looks nice.

So glad I didn't have to go with them!

Little bit colder today, think the sunshine maybe on the way out boooooo but we shall wait and see

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