Another 4.30am start today as Jack heads off on a 3 day hike with friends along the Great South West Walk, along the western coastline of Victoria. They have used public transport to get there and will probably take most of the day. Jack came down with an awful head cold yesterday, so fingers crossed that he will pick up before the hike begins tomorrow.
I am laying low today after a busy few weeks. Just Joe and I at home as Greg is working on fuel reduction burns over the weekend and working long days. He has been getting home around 9 pm, smelling very smoky! There are only a small handful of days in the year that are suitable to burn so they need to take advantage of the conditions. For Greg, it is an opportunity to get out in the field instead of being desk and meeting bound all day.
I have a multitude of jobs I could do this afternoon but think I will sneak off for a lie down and a read!
Oh and for the record, lunch was polenta with roast vegetables and salad. It was yummy if I do say so myself!
I wonder what all you lovely folk are up to this weekend! Hope it is wonderful! :)

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