
By Blakeney

For Sale - Horsham Old Town Hall

Town centre property for sale. Imposing facade, handy for shops, cells in basement - would suit Goth or S&M enthusiast.

Gifted to the people of Horsham in 1888 by the Duke of Norfolk, the Old Town Hall is up for sale by the District Council (as if it was theirs to sell!)..

A few years ago the council called in consultants to make recommendations on the future of the building. They strongly recommended continued use by the community. A group with strong local support campaigned for the building to become a folk and community arts centre. They got the necessary grant funding needed to transform the building. The people of the town gave the project their overwhelming support. So the council decided to flog it off to a restaurant chain. The restaurant chain pulled out of the deal and six years later it is still locked up and empty when it could have been a thriving centre for the local community. Oh well, that's local democracy for you.

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