Tick, Tock

By Chicane


what a busy day, yet again.
Started with a trip to a garden centre ( that felt very grown up - I might even get the hang of this adult thing one day...maybe )
Anyway it was one of those rather large ones so lots of wandering about and buying of plants and things. We even had a small lunch there of a soup and roll.
After that it was over to Homebase for some more DIY stock. Looks like a fun Easter weekend heading my way.
From there it was over to the supermarket for a large stock up. Back home and unload before taking transport back to work and walking home.
Made my rather tasty fishpie for dinner and now laying bloated on the sofa drinking green tea (crap. I'am growing up)

Oh the picture is of some beams holding up the outside roof at the garden centre..

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