
By strawhouse

Green Shoots

A musical day today.
I spent the morning sorting the music for the disco at our wedding.
As usual we've left it to the last minute - the company have a website where you log on and add the songs you want to a playlist. We've been meaning to do it for the last few months.... But of course we haven't and today's the last day we can do it! Oops!!
After I dropped the kids off I spent a very lovely few hours on the sofa with my iPod and laptop choosing songs. Meaningful ones, good for dancing ones, romantic ones, first dance, last dance, songs that we like, that a mixture of ages and tastes will like....
It took hours because I kept getting a bit sidetracked listening to dozens of songs.
And wondering why I don't listen to much music anymore!
So I filled about half the list and then Mr K and I spent the evening finishing it. It's so difficult deciding between "must haves" and "would like to haves".
We eventually submitted it at about 11.55pm. Phew!!
Another thing off the list. It's getting shorter!

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