
By EJIkin

To Paint a Picture of the Month

So today brings to a close the month of march, which has thrown us between beautiful sunshiney days, and miserable winter chills. Architecture has been the theme, and although there were some buildings i really wanted to blip that i just didn't manage to get around too, i think i'm still happy with how things have panned out, though i think mainly this month will be remembered for the MNF Tour 2012 to the Yorkshire Dales. What next Month brings, who knows!? Although there are some definite ideas buzzing around.
Now for the last two months the final photo has been a coming together of some of my earlier blips, however short of moving a few buildings around i felt this could be tricky, and so instead opted for an oil painting done by my Uncle Harold of my House which has featured prominently this month. This photo really doesn't do it justice.

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