Sunset walkies
It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I've actually taken quite a few photos recently. I'll need to do a bit of a back blip.
Headed out with the camera and the tripod as the sun was going down, but had to be fairly economical as I only had a bit of charge left in the camera! I took a couple further out, but the streetlights ended up filling the bottom half of the photo. I quite like the way this just hits the top of the wall.
It appears Saturday nights are the best time to get out with the camera and occupy the road with my tripod. I was out for just under an hour and not one car passed. It was ace :)
Until next time...
- 0
- 0
- Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
- 1/1
- f/4.5
- 33mm
- 400
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