A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

A Little Slice of my World.

Aim in life number one: get a university degree.

Education has always been important to me. I used to love going to school when I was growing up, and now I enjoy going to uni everyday (although not getting out of bed).

To me, education represents freedom. With the right education you can do what you want, where ever in the world you would like. Children in third world countries crave education and realise the powers that a good one holds. But here, in developed nations, we take this for granted. And it annoys me.

I understand that not everyone enjoys knowledge as much as I do and for some, education is just not desired but I love it. I love gaining insight into the past and how things work, and why things are the way that they are. For me, knowledge is power and a great resource to be able to draw upon no matter what your background is or your age.

My parents have always told me that I will be one of these people who is always in some form of education, be it my uni course or a night class at college later on. Education will always be an important part of my life.

Education is freedom.

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