The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords


Ignoring the fact that I have horrible, dry, sausage fingers, I have something special to show you. If I could have found a better model I would have, but as it stands, wearing other people's wedding rings is meant to be bad luck, so I figured it'd be a bit cheeky to push others into the path of misfortune for the sake of a silly little photo. Luckily for me I'm not superstitious, so the rules don't apply.

Anyhow, back to the photo. From left to right you can see 3 generations worth of wedding rings (one of these is just used to hold the actual wedding ring in place.)

From left to right:

My great gran's wedding ring,
My gran's wedding ring,
My gran's 'wedding-ring-keeper-onner',
My great, great gran's wedding ring (currently worn by my mum).

Knowing my luck, in 10 years time I'll be known as the unluckiest woman alive... What other person would be silly enough to wear not one but THREE other women's wedding rings in one sitting!?

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