I.......is for In Our Garden

I have to say it is all a bit laissez faire this morning Chez Gossage.

We awoke, without hangovers, and eventually got up about 1030am and did the house work together - I use that term very loosely as it was just a quick dust and mop that took the total of half an hour. The third load of washing is on the line and we are just heading out with the dogs.

I guess this is what Sundays are all about :)

I got the meat out the freezer for dinner last night and realised it was for 11 people!!! That's what you get for online shopping and being a bit rubbish at judging weight! So the in laws have been invited for dinner meaning we wont be eating port for the next 4 days!

I am easily pleased, it has made my day that we have just found Vinho Verde at the shops - I first tried this on a girlie holiday in Portugal and it is divine. 6 bottles of wine purchased and my afternoon seems pretty much sorted :)

Roll on the snow this week.....all I can see outside is blue skies :)

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