Kendal Mint Cake Mine!

Those blippers with good eyes may be able to spot The Kendal Mint Cake Mine!

Kendal Mint Cake has been supplied to many expeditions. It has been to the top of Everest, Single handed round the world yatchsmen have enjoyed it, etc etc.

The mine you can see in my blip is only open on one day of the year, 1st April. Sufficient supplies have to be dug out on 1st April to ensure that everyone's needs will be catered for until the mine is open again. The mint cake is then transported to Kendal by a fleet of Stobbart lorries. Finally it is sliced into pieces with a chain saw and sold in the shops.

You can see Bassenthwaite Lake in this photo. We parked at the bottom by the A66 and walked vertically upwards for an hour to get this blip! No Kendal Mint Cake was harmed in the making of this blip!

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