Clix : Aperture Wide Shut

By clix

Good Advice.

Ignored it seems.

A gorgeous bright day today so we were up and down town to John Lewis. Snapped this just before we ducked in the door to buy a new sofa.

Then it was off for lunch and to the dance rosette exam.

Clutches of nervous ballet Mums (who definitely hadn't been told they were loved by their pink outfitted offspring by the indignant look on some of the little faces) were fussing around hoping their girls weren't too stressed. Off course it was only the Mum's who were stressed.

"Do you think they ever fail them?"

"They wouldn't fail a three year old would they?"

"The examiner looks very stern."

"When will we know? Will they come for us? I'll just go and check."

Turns out the girls had been through their ordeal and finished and been taken downstairs already.

They only got upset because none of the Mums were there when they finished.

They were all still outside fretting and worrying.

The ballet Dads? Well, there were a few of us but we spent the time sitting in the sunshine with occassional rolling of eyes.

None of us would have dared to speak now would we?

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