A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Dark Beauty

The sum total of my efforts for today was to post a comment on Facebook:
'Surprise declaration of Independece by Scottish Parliament !!Border posts to be established immediately!'
It was of course an attempt at an April fool.Needless to say,I fooled no one!
Apart from that, not been over the doorstep.Only managed to take this single mauve tulip form the doorway and here it is straight form the camera.
Never really liked tulips all that much, until we hit upon a tulip festival in the ground of a private house a couple of years ago.We were so impressed by the blooms on display we bought a hundred or so bulbs.I never realised how many varieties , shapes , colours there were.
Bloms the growers, have an established Show Garden in the North of England,at Constable Burton Hall. Set in the beautiful countryside at the entrance to Wensleydale, this extensive garden is surrounded by 18th Century Parkland with a superb John Carr house . There is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in this romantic garden, which makes it a delight for garden enthusiasts. And in the Spring you are able to see the exquisite Tulip varieties in the most beautiful landscape.

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