Always right behind you...
Pepé faithful to Lucy .... he often follows Lucy as she babies him,if she could she would dress him up,the only thing that stops her is not one of her dolls or bears out fits fit him.. THANK GOODNESS... he is stockier than Buffy pup and when Buffy was younger,Eve and Lucy dressed her in a baby grow all in one suit and took her around the house in a dolls pram... poor Buffy,and they used to put scarves on her and call her Mother Teresa.
It is mine and the lovely Mr W 6th wedding anniversary today,and 17 years as a Dad STILL goes on about how he had a chance to escape,not Dad, Mr W .........
Beautiful weather,started really really cold but as you can see from Lucy's attire it warmed up no end ..... had a BBQ and ate it in our garden,and I made cakes,a trial run of a new recipe to make for Friday,and they have little eggs on top too... and a little nest I piped to nestle the egg in... get me !!!
Eve has become welded to the bargain bike...........
p.s as it looks like Lucy is in odd shoes,I best add in,she is on her little scooter... scooting for all she is worth.
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