The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl


...We haven't had any! March water, that is.
Hoping for some April showers...

This is my second favourite field.

The song has been difficult to find today because I forgot the title and the artist. All I could remember was that it was on a compilation CD, now lost. And how do I know it is lost? Because I can't find it, in spite of having taken a vast quantity of CDs off the shelf, left them on the floor and discovered things not in cases including my Strictly Ballroom DVD, which has disappeared (*sobs* - no actually, *rages*).
There I go, digressing again...

The song also happens to be in Portuguese, language that I do not speak, so I called the person who made the compilation and after listening to the meaningless and incorrect words being sung down the phone - which had him joining in but none the wiser as to the title OR artist - he asked his wife, who started singing too, and eventually, one singalong across the airwaves later, they came up with a title. And it was WRONG!

I then managed to get through to another friend, a bona fide Brazilian no less. More singing and much hilarity ensued, followed by the same incorrect title, then hastily corrected and checked and there you have it.
Never let it be said I give up easily on an idea...!

Why did I want the song in the first place? No idea. I have been humming it since this morning, when The Child was watching some cartoon about parrots. If it had been Strictly Ballroom (*cue more sobs*), you would probably have got this.

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