Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

A Rare Trip Out

Today belongs to Flo....or 'the fat waster' as she is commonly known as. She spends most of her time indoors asleep, getting up to eat some more food before heading back to a different bed to sleep.

Tried to get some shots from the kitchen window but this wasn't working so I ventured outside to join her only for her to run for her life....not sure who she thought I was! She did come back out when I called her and carried on trundling around.

She's your typical fiery, quite strange dark tortie with a big thick feral cat coat. Never been able to get much weight off her and as far as she is concerned why bother. She heard the vet say once that being fat saved her life, so I suppose she'll be keeping it in case of emergencies!

For me, today is day two of unemployment and the first day of feeling a bit lost. I think the plan should be to write down a list of things to do each day so I don't get swallowed up by the emptiness. Plenty of beasts to create mess to clean up so I shall never be too short of something to do. :)

Onward and upwards!!

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