FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Footdee .....

...... known locally as "Fittie" is an old fishing village at the east end of Aberdeen harbour.

The first recorded reference to the area of Fittie was in 1398.

Fish Town was a housing development of 1809, consisting of two squares built to re-house Aberdeen's local fishing community. In later years the name was forgotten and the name Fittie transferred from a neighbouring area and became synonomous with the development.

The two squares of 'Fish Town' originally contained 28 thatched cottages with Middle Row and Pilot Square being added in 1837 and 1855 respectively. The entrances on each of the squares were filled in the 1870s and additional storeys added to the East and West sides of South Square creating tenements in an effort to ease overcrowding resulting from an influx of fishing families from other less prosperous areas.

The forward thinking town council decided to offer the houses for sale to occupiers in 1880 and additional storeys and dormers were added by the new owners as funds allowed resulting in individuality and contributing to the architectural and historical interest of the area.

Throughout the 19th century, `tarry sheds´ were added to the communal land in the centres of the squares opposite each house and now every one has its own shed. These were originally built in an idiosyncratic manner from drift wood and other materials washed ashore . Some original timber sheds remain although many have been replaced by rendered structures.

In 1968 the village was given Conservation Area status.

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