Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

April Challenge 2/30 - defining feature

Cracking on with the April challenge (starting a day late). Today's challenge is defining feature self portrait.

I wasn't sure what to choose as my defining feature. For someone who is a bit wobbly in the self esteem department, choosing a defining feature was tough. But I've chosen my eyes. My eyes are quite expressive, and the mini pinks have both inherited the dark brown eyes that run in my side of the family.

Been a good first day of the school holidays. Master Pink came into my room at 6ish and said "Mummy, I thought I'd just come and spend some time with you". Ok! By 7.30am we'd baked a chocolate cake, had breakfast and got ourselves pretty much sorted for the day. Miss Pink was still asleep!

We headed next door once Miss Pink was up with our chocolate cake to say Happy Birthday to our next door neighbour. Cake eaten, present unwrapped and happy birthday sung, we went up to church for Edward Bear. they had an Easter special and the children did an Easter egg hunt and all had a little gift of some Easter eggs each. Lots of happy chocolatey faces.

Back at home Master pink got me to pack his bag to go to Nana and granpa's for the night. So while he went off to stay with his grandparents, Miss Pink and I had a visit from Grandma with a homemade hot cross bun that was still hot from the oven. Delicious.

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