Something new...

By brynf


So, in order to make myself actually take pictures of things that inspire me instead of taking them in visually and then moving on, I have FINALLY made my first blip. (*ponder* made my first blip? is that like saying "made my first text"? is this correct? *shrug*) I was given a beautiful Canon Rebel XSi by my fabulous boyfriend so that I could "document my life"... and I've done a poor job of doing so. Not only have I completely forgotten how to use any of the features, but I still haven't bought a decent lens (I feel like I don't deserve one until I read the manual again and can figure out how to take pictures without using automatic everything!! ). Maybe some day I'll even take a photography class! So, of course, my first blip is a photo taken on my, ahem, smartphone. BUT! It's high time I start this thing and allow myself to exercise my creative side again! So here you go..

This photo was taken near sunset while I was on a run in the neighborhood. As I'm from a desertland, I highly enjoy the beautiful blossoms around springtime in my neighborhood!

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